How to Make Your Own COVID-Killing Solutions

Kara Markley, Realtor
1 min readApr 5, 2020

As I typically try to avoid harsh chemicals, I realized the cleaning products I have probably aren’t effective at killing Coronavirus. So, instead of risking a trip to Target, I did a little research on the CDC website, and found you can make your own effective solutions out of common household products.

First, bleach. For big jobs, mix 5 Tbsp of bleach per gallon of water. Or, to make a smaller amount (for spray bottles), mix 4 tsp. bleach with a quart of water. [Side note: if you are reusing a spray bottle like I did, make SURE it did not contain an ammonia product like Windex. Ammonia and bleach mixed together will release very toxic fumes. Remember, we are trying to avoid going to the hospital at all costs — ha.] Just spray this solution on the surface and allow to sit for a bit and disinfect, then wipe!

Alcohol. Any solution that is more than 70% alcohol will also be effective. I found 70% isopropyl alcohol in my cabinet, so that would also do the trick.

Still waiting to hear back from the CDC about the effectiveness of the 44% alcohol gin, but it seemed to work for me. :)

Stay clean, stay healthy!



Kara Markley, Realtor

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